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Home : Steve Sloan's Trains : Trip Notes : 1973 : Unknown Date : Stockton
Unknown dates in Stockton, 1973
Various photos, taken or thought to be taken in (or around) 1973, in Stockton, CA. Precise date not known.
Stockton, CA
WP Power Pool
SN 402, EMC SW1
- SN 402 gets attention under the hood
- Sacramento Northern (SN) SW1 402 getting tested outside the roundhouse on an unrecorded date in 1973.
- Unknown camera and film,
Click to view hand scans: 2009., 5-ph- Photos on Flickr: SN 402, Looking Under the Hood
- Unknown camera and film,
WP 913-A EMD F7A, Class D-239
- WP 913-A in Stockton
- Western Pacific (WP) EMD F7 913 is resting in the WP Power Pool in Stockton, CA on a Sunday afternoon in 1973. Two of these are different crops from the same black and white 35mm negative.
- Photo 120 Transparency, Scan:
2020072001ph.6 - WP 913A EMD F7A
Neg Scan: 2009112201.6 - Enlarged and Cropped
Neg Scan: 2009112201.6v2 - Different angle, whole set
Neg Scan: 2009112201.3
- Photo 120 Transparency, Scan:
WP 435 WP 426 class caboose
According to Mike Mucklin:
Western Pacific didn't assign classes to their cabooses like UP (CA class) or Santa Fe (Ce class) so I generally refer to them by the first number in the group as being the "class car".
WP 435 was one of the original 1955 built "426 class" cars. This was a group of 35 cars, the first steel cabooses on the WP, numbered from 426 to 460. Construction of the group continued into 1956 and they were delivered with a box car red body, black roofs and yellow lettering and safety appliances. In the early 1970s early cars that were shopped were painted an updated caboose red (bright red) paint scheme with white lettering. Some cars were updated with their end ladders and roof walks removed but some weren't. Some had black roofs and steps but some, like the 435 were all red. As with most shop projects on the WP, there were few specific standards that shop forces were required to adhere to so there were a lot of variations as cars emerged from the repair shop. I believe the first 426 class car to emerge in the bright red scheme from the Jeffrey Car Shops in Sacramento was the 436 on 4-30-73 followed by the 435 on 6-08-73.
- 435 in Stockton
- In June 1973 or later WP 426 class caboose 435 sits at Stockton, CA between assignments.
- Photo of caboose
Slide 5.2881, Scan 2008031701.2v2
- Photo of caboose
Stockton Tower, 1973
SP 3589 EMD GP9, SP Class EF418-7
- SP 3589 at Stockton Tower
- Southern Pacific GP9 3589 leads SD45 9147 across the Santa Fe tracks at Stockton Tower on an unrecorded date in 1973.
- Photo of SP 3589 at Stockton Tower
Analog Image, Kodachrome Slide 2.5-977, Scan 2011.
- Photo of SP 3589 at Stockton Tower
SP 9504 EMD SD45X, SP Class EF642-2
- SP 9504 in Stockton
- Southern Pacific SD45X 9504, still wearing EMD demonstrator paint, approaches the diamonds at Stockton, CA. The date of this photo was not recorded, likely in 1973.
- Photo of SP 9504 in Stockton
Slide 2.5-2854, Scan 2008.
- Photo of SP 9504 in Stockton
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