Southern Pacific
I hope you enjoy these photos as much as I enjoyed taking them. The Southern Pacific railroad will always be my favorite railroad!
SP and its subsidiaries
Steve Sloan's Trains : UP : Southern Pacific : Locomotives 1-1099
Click on the following links to see pictures related to the SP:
SP 1, Cooke, 4-2-4T, C. P. Huntington
According to good sources, SP 1 was built in 1864 by Cooke as a model 4-2-4T, builders number 277, Central Pacific Railroad (CP) 3, no classification. Southern Pacific (SP) purchased C. P. Huntington from CP in 1871, becoming SP 1. In SP's 1891 renumbering plan, C. P. Huntington was assigned, but apparently never recieved, road number 1001.
The disposition of this locomotive is: Southern Pacific donated the engine to the State of California in 1964. The locomotive was placed on display at the old state fairgrounds on Stockton Boulevard, in Sacramento, where it remained until a 1970 refurbishing at Southern Pacific's Sacramento Shops, when it was placed in the Central Pacific Railroad Passenger Station in Old Sacramento in 1979. In 1981 it was moved into the newly opened California State Railroad Museum, where it now remains on static display.
- SP 1 at the Sacramento Depot
- SP 4449 and SP 1, the CP Huntington, were both on display in Sacramento on Sunday, June 22, 1975.
- Mamiya/Sekor 1000 DTL:
Photo by my dad Lloyd D. Sloan. Scanned from and 8x10 print from a Kodachrome slide.
From Photo Album 1001.1.31.1, Scan 2018022501ph.5
- Mamiya/Sekor 1000 DTL:
SD&AE 102, ALCo, SP Class C-31 2-8-0
According to good sources, SD&AE 102, C-31 Consolidation, Serial No. 54973. Built: 1914 Schenectady Locomotive Works (ALCo). These were the last locomotives purchased new by the railroad. According to P. Allen Copeland and. Joseph A. Strapac, "Nos. 101 and 102 were generally similar to S.P. contemporary locomotives of the type, being delivered with Vanderbuilt tenders, but equipped with modern Walschaerts valve gear and piston valves. The class assigned by the S.P. was C-31." Scrapped: 1953.
- SD&AE 102 leading extra 2354, Jacumba, CA
- SD&AE 102 at Jacumba, CA. According to Evan Werkema, "According to information compiled by Scott Inman, this would be the Railroad Boosters' "Carriso Gorge" excursion of October 15,1939."
Mike on Trainorders said:
Train is east bound towards the Carriso Gorge, a little more than 3 1/2 miles ahead!
Photographer most likely Bill Darrough, from the Darrough Collection. Since negatives were extensively traded it's possible Bill was not the photographer. Photos from this collection have been shared with permission from Jack Darrough, obtained before he died.
There is a lot going on in the photo, most of which is no longer around, the water tower the shed to the left of the reefer and boxcar on the siding to the left and the storage tank in the background. Just over the top of the steel shed, you can see part of the Jacumba Depot which is still there. The train order pole in front of the depot is gone. That was a Standard Oil Distributor for this area in the background over the train. -
- Photo of SD&AE 102, C-31
Neg 46.16.1 From folder 2018082501ph
- Photo of SD&AE 102, C-31
SP 17, Narrow Gauge Baldwin 4-6-0
Reportedly, SP Narrow Gauge 17 was built in 1887 by Baldwin as a 4-6-0, builders number 8487, South Pacific Coast 21.
The disposition of this locomotive was retired in 1945 and scrapped in 1952.
- SPNG SP 17 at Mina, NV
- Southern Pacific (SP) Narrow Gauge 17 is leading 4-6-0 SP 9 at Mina Nevada in August 1937. From the Jack Darrough Collection. Potographer likely Bill Darrough used with permission.
- Scan of Print 1010.1.1
- Scan of Print 1010.1.1
SP 355 EMD F7A, SP Class EP415A-3
According to SSW9389 on Trainorders, "SP 355 was classified as a passenger unit, class EP415A-3. It shows up in the 1971 Annual as one of two EP415 units remaining on the SP roster. There were a total of 37 F units included in the 1971 Annual. Don't have the 1972 Annual, but suspect this unit was retired after the major failure you described. The SP was purchasing large numbers of the SD45T-2s at the time and the 355 was most likely traded back to EMD." Topper said, "The retirement date I have for it shows to be 10/72."
Reportedly (sources) SP 355 was built in Dec. 1952 as construction number 17209, SP (T&NO) 355 Class DF-9. It became SP Class EP415A-4 in 1965. It was the last T&NO unit to operate in it's original three unit number when it was retired in June or July 1972, Sold Oct. 1972.
- 355 in Rotary Service
- SP F7A 355 at Roseville apparently in Rotary Service. Likely in the Spring of 1970. This may be my second train slide ever. Shot on Wards or Sears slide film.
- Photo of 355
Analog Image, Unknown Slide Film 5.43, Scan 201010100601.3- Photos on Flickr: Color, Black and White
- Photo of 355
SP 371 EMD F7A, SP Class EF415A-11
Reportedly (sources) SP 371 was built in June 1953 as construction number 18364, SP (T&NO) 355 Class DF-11. It became SP Class EF415A-1 in 1965. It was retired in April 1970 and sold in October 1970.
Brian Williams said: Steve,here's a comment from a friend of mine who worked for the espee as a fireman/engineer. The photo of the 371 is a T&NO unit. They were miserable units to work on. Especially on the locals from bakersfield to fresno, picking up beet gons along the way. no mirrors and all of them had an extra handle welded to the throttle so when trying to look backwards out the side window you would have to come completely back into the cab to get to the throttle and then stick your head out the window again and again and again. They were set up for straight forward running. some idiots idea of comfort for probably running through freight or passenger and not thinking about switching with these things. nice to look at, nice to run on throught frieght stuff where one didnt have to look backwards but not for switching
T&NO Class DF-11, retired 4/24/70 and sold 10/9/70
- 371 in Sacramento
- Southern Pacific SP Class EF415A-1 F7A 371 sitting outside the Sacramento Shops. Likely in the Spring of 1970. This may be my first train slide ever. Shot on Wards or Sears slide film. This was with a lot of F units stored outside the Sacramento Shops.
According to WAF on Trainorders, "your time period is closer to 1969." Evan Werkema said, "Strapac's Southern Pacific Diesel Locomotive Compendium V.1 shows 371 retired 4/24/70 and sold 10/9/70"
- Photo of 371
Analog Image, Unknown Slide Film 5.46, Scan 2010100601.1 - Photo of 371, revised
Analog Image, Unknown Slide Film 5.46, Scan 2010100601.1 - Photo of 371, again revised
Analog Image, Unknown Slide Film 5.46, Scan 2010100601.1
- Photo of 371
Special Notes
NOTE: If anything is my "life's work" it's my train photos. — If you scan an analog photo of mine, or if you share a digital photo I took that does not have my photo credit, add something like "Photo by Steve Sloan" directly onto the image. It's not enough to say "Photo by Steve Sloan" in the text caption. People download photos off the Internet/Social Media platform and whatever is in the text does not stick to the photo. Then, they get reshared and that data is lost. I deserve credit for my work.
You may not use my photos for profit and/or as part of, or to sell, a product or service without my consent.
Special Thanks!
To all the great folks who helped me out with information for these Web pages!
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