Southern Pacific
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I hope you enjoy these photos as much as I enjoyed taking them. The Southern Pacific railroad will always be my favorite railroad!
SP and its subsidiaries
Steve Sloan Home : Steve Sloan's Trains : UP : Southern Pacific : Locomotives 9300-9499
Click on the following links to see pictures related to the SP in the number series indicated:
SSW 9301 EMD SD45T-2, SP Class EF636C-8
SSW 9301 is an EMD SD45T-2, SP Class EF636C-8. According to good sources, including Strapac's fantastic SP Compendium series, SSW 9301 was built in March 1973 by EMD as a model SD45T-2, builders number 72625-41, SSW 9301 EMD SD45T-2, SP Class EF636C-8.
This locomotive was upgraded in Nov. 1987 emerging as SP 6827 SP Class EF636R-7.
The disposition of this locomotive is, retired Sept. 1999. Became BLE 908.
- SSW 9301 on the Benicia Bridge
- Cal P action; Cotton Belt 9301, an SD45T-2, leads a mixed set of EMD and Alco locomotives. 9301, 8443, 4009 and 4006 power off the Suisun Bay Bridge at Martienez, CA on an unrecorded date in 1974.
- Photo of SSW 9301 on the Benicia Bridge
- Neg, Scan 2009112802ph.2
- Photo of SSW 9301 on the Benicia Bridge
SP 9312 EMD SD45T-2, SP Class EF636-10
According to good sources (including Strapac's fantastic SP Compendium series) SP 9312 was built in 1973 by EMD as a model SD45T-2, SP 9312, SP Class EF636-10, builder's number 73621-11.
This locomotive was upgraded in 1987 emerging as SP 6814 SP Class EF636R-7.
The disposition of this locomotive is: retired in 1999.
- SP 9312 in Roseville
- Southern Pacific (SP) SD45T-2 9312, is leading 9317 and 8897 at the station sign in Roseville, CA on a warm Sunday, September 8, 1974.
- 35mm Film Camera, Ektacolor CPS Film, Image Number:
Scan 2020122001ph.8
- 35mm Film Camera, Ektacolor CPS Film, Image Number:
SP 9319 EMD SD45T-2, SP Class EF636-12
According to good sources (including Strapac's fantastic SP Compendium series) SP 9319 was built in 1974 by EMD as a model SD45T-2, SP 9319, SP Class EF636-12, builder's number 73630-05. It was repainted in the Kodachrome scheme.
The disposition of this locomotive is: assigned UP 4899, retired in 1999.
- SP 9319 in Roseville
- Southern Pacific (SP) SD45T-2 9319 is in a locomotive consist in Roseville, CA on a warm Sunday, September 8, 1974.
- 35mm Film Camera, Ektacolor CPS Film, Image Number:
Scan 2020122001ph.6
- 35mm Film Camera, Ektacolor CPS Film, Image Number:
SP 9320 EMD SD45T-2, SP Class EF636-12
SP 9320 is an EMD SD45T-2, SP Class EF636-12. Reportedly: It was built in 1974, builders number 73630-06.
This locomotive was upgraded in 1988 emerging as SP 6836 SP Class EF636R-8.
The disposition of this locomotive is, renumbered out of original SP sequence; rebuilt to 3000 hp SD40-2T by VMV in 1998-1999; renumbered to UP 4820, then UP 2852. Retired by UP in 2008.
- SP 9320 at Boca
- Southern Pacific SD45T-2 is climbing westbound toward Truckee, CA with SD45 8920, an SD40 and another SD45T-2 on July 20, 1975. JS said, "That shot on Donner is the old station site of Boca, CA." WAF said, "(The) one at Boca on Donner is the RGRVY. The block of coiled steel on the head end is the giveaway."
- Photo of SP SD45T-2 9320
From Photo Album 1001.1.30.1, Scan 2018022501ph.4
Negative, Scan 2010010801.31, Boca photo location map
- Photo of SP SD45T-2 9320
SP 9338, EMD SD45T-2, SP Class EF636-12
SP 9338 is an EMD SD45T-2, SP Class EF636-12. Reportedly: It was built in 1974, builders number 7630-24. It was assigned but never wore UP 4905. It was retired in 1999.
- Steam in the Cascades
- On Saturday, April 25, 1981, SP 9338 and SSW 9373 helped 4449 from Oakridge to Cascade Summit as it was heading south to Railfair 1981, the Grand Opening of the California State Railroad Museum in Sacramento, CA. In this photo the train is at Wicopee, OR in the Cascades.
- Nikon FM2, Tri-X film: from roll
Click to view DSLR Hand Scans: 2024., 18, 17-ph- Photos on Flickr: Train coming, Closer, Here it is
- Nikon FM2, Tri-X film: from roll
SSW 9377 EMD SD45T-2, SP Class EF636C-9
According to good sources, including Strapac's fantastic SP Compendium series, SP SSW 9377 was built in 1975 by EMD as a model SD45T-2, SP SSW 9378, SP Class EF636C-9, builder's number 74696-07.
This locomotive was upgraded in 1988 emerging as SP 6859 SP Class EF636LR-8.
The disposition of this locomotive is: rebuilt to an SD40T-2, became UP 4809, then 2841 retired in 2002, then becoming NREX 2841.
- SSW 9377 in Roseville
- Southern Pacific, Cotton Belt (SSW) SD45T-2 9377 is with U33C 8588 in Roseville, CA, on an unrecorded date in 1978.
- Film Kodak Tri-X, Neg
Scan 2020121101ph.5
- Film Kodak Tri-X, Neg
SSW 9378 EMD SD45T-2, SP Class EF636C-9
According to good sources, including Strapac's fantastic SP Compendium series, SP SSW 9378 was built in 1975 by EMD as a model SD45T-2, SP SSW 9378, SP Class EF636C-9, builder's number 74696-08.
The disposition of this locomotive is, assigned UP 4919. Retired in 1999.
- SSW 9378 at Rowen
- SP SSW SD45T-2 9378 leads a westbound through Rowen on Friday June 18, 1982.
- Photo of 9378 at Rowen
Shot on a Speed Graphic 23 6x9 Ektachrome 64 @ 64. Scan 2005121401.2.
- Photo of 9378 at Rowen
SSW 9389 EMD SD45T-2, SP Class EF636C-9
According to good sources, including Strapac's fantastic SP Compendium series, SSW 9389 was built in May 1975 by EMD as a model SD45T-2, builders number 74696-19, SSW 9389 EMD SD45T-2, SP Class EF636C-9.
This locomotive was upgraded in March 1988 emerging as SP 6833 SP Class EF636LR-8.
The disposition of this locomotive is, 6833 wrecked March 24, 1991 in Cody KS, scrapped.
- SSW 9389 in East Oakland
- On May 18, 1975 the 9389 did it's maiden run into Oakland on the WCOAF with SD45 8943 and an SW1500 2682 trailing. The train went dead on the law at milepost 8, East Oakland, and had to wait for a crew to bring it the rest of the way into Oakland yard. Ed Cooper said, "the unit was built in April 1975. It was the 600th EMD 3600 horsepower unit delivered delivered to Espee/Cotton Belt."
- Photo of SSW 9389 EMD SD45T-2 Train at East Oakland
Ilford PanF Negative, Scan 2010010801.15 - Photo of Engine at East Oakland
Ilford PanF Negative, Scan 2010010801.16 - Photo of Number Boards
Ilford PanF Negative, Scan 2010010801.21 - Photo of Front
Scan 2010010801.18, Ilford PanF Negative - Photo At West Oakland Diesel Shop
Scan 2010010801.20 - From Photo Album 1001.1.29.1, Scan 2018022501ph.2
- From Photo Album 1001.1.28.1, Scan 2018022501ph.1
- Photo of SSW 9389 EMD SD45T-2 Train at East Oakland
- SP 9389 at the West Oakland Diesel Shop
- After it got a new crew it made the short trip to West Oakland where the train and power tied up.
- Unknown 35mm film camera, Ilford PanF Negatives and 14A:
Scan 2010010801.20, 2010010801.17- Photos on Flickr: Closer, Backing Up
- Unknown 35mm film camera, Ilford PanF Negatives and 14A:
Special Notes
NOTE: If anything is my "life's work" it's my train photos. — If you scan an analog photo of mine, or if you share a digital photo I took that does not have my photo credit, add something like "Photo by Steve Sloan" directly onto the image. It's not enough to say "Photo by Steve Sloan" in the text caption. People download photos off the Internet/Social Media platform and whatever is in the text does not stick to the photo. Then, they get reshared and that data is lost. I deserve credit for my work.
You may not use my photos for profit and/or as part of, or to sell, a product or service without my consent.
Special Thanks!
To all the great folks who helped me out with information for these Web pages!
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