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Railfan notes from 2015

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Day or less Outings

Short outings of a day or less in 2015.

San Jose - January 2, 2015, Friday
The day after New Years in 2015 was a defacto holiday. Almost everybody took the day off but the commutes were running almost empty trains on a weekday schedule. It was a perfect day to go to the train station!
San Jose - February 14, 2015, Saturday
Susie and I do not celebrate Valentine's Day, instead celebrating our own holiday four days later. So on Valentine's Day 2014 I was at our train club running model trains!

Trip to Australia

In late March and Early April of 2015 Sue and I made a tourist trip to Australia that included some train activities.

New South Wales (NSW) - Saturday, March 28, 2015
Excursion out of Sydney to the NSW Rail Museum (NSWRM) in Thirlmere, New South Wales (NSW). Flickr Album, Australia - Day 5
South Australia - Sunday, March 29, 2015
Tailem Bend to Pinnaroo, South Australia. Chasing GM Class covered wagons on the Genesee & Wyoming Australia. Special thanks to Mark Carter without who's help this and the following photos in this series would not have been possible.

Day or less outings

Short outings of a day or less in 2015.

Milpitas, CA - Sunday April 19, 2015
I was driving home from a family gathering when I noticed an email post about A CSX SD60 locomotive being in Milpitas. It’s a most unusual visitor. I stopped to see and photograph it.

Trip to Donner Pass

In August 2015 I met Ken Compton and his son Zach on Donner Pass and we spent several days chasing trains.

Friday, August 7, 2015
Day one of my trip to Donner for 2015. I drove through Roseville.
Saturday, August 8, 2015
Our first day on the hill. It was a great day with Ken and Zach Compton.
Sunday, August 9, 2015

Day Outings

Short outings of a day or less in 2015.

Saturday, November 14, 2015
When I was at a meeting in Sacramento I went to Roseville, met Ken Compton and visited Railfair where I picked up my KM.
Saturday, December 5, 2015
On Saturday, December 5, 2015, I was at the California Central Model Railroad Club, likely running model trains, when I photographed a real train.
Saturday, December 19, 2015
On Saturday, December 19, 2015 I went to Watsonville to catch the Train to Christmastown there and on the slough.

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Special Thanks

All the great folks who helped me out with information for these Web pages!

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