Southern Pacific
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Steve Sloan's Trains : UP : Southern Pacific : Locomotives 3100 - 3109
Please scroll down, and click on links, to see more photos of trains in this series.
I hope you enjoy these photos as much as I enjoyed taking them. The Southern Pacific railroad will always be my favorite railroad!
SP and its subsidiaries
Click on the following links to see pictures related to the SP:
SP 3100 ALCo RSD15 DL600B, SP Class AS624-1
According to good sources, including Strapac's fantastic SP Compendium series, SP 3100 was built in September 1959, ALCo construction number 83483, as SP 4816 class DF-502. Leased in March 1960 to T&NO as 250. These were the last units added to the T&NO roster before the 1961 merger. Became SP 5160 in the 1965 renumbering as class AF624-1. In April 1972 reclassified to switcher Class AS624-1 and renumbered SP 3100. Retired and sold May 1978.
According to OPRRMS on Altamont Press, The black vertically mounted disk shaped object on the top of the cab is, "Receiver for the in-cab hump signals. Used on hump engines at Eugene, LA and Houston until replaced by more a modern radio system. After the RSD15s were retired, they were installed on the three C628s that replaced them, but I don't recall them being on the MP15ACs."
- SP 3100 in June 1974
- SP 3100 "even", ALCo RSD15 DL600B on the Eugene hump. Eugene, Oregon Jun 21, 1974. Eugene hump photo location.
- Photo of SP 3100 Shoving a cut
Kodachrome Slide 5.672, Scan 2008011501.3 - Photo of SP 3100 On hump with bowl
Kodachrome Slide 5.668, Scan 2010111301.12 - Photo of SP 3100 Side shot
Kodachrome Slide 5.669, Scan 2010111301.14 - Photo of SP 3100 On a cut
Kodachrome Slide 5.673, Scan 2010111301.15
- Photo of SP 3100 Shoving a cut
- SP 3100 in Jan 1977
- SP 3100 DL600B resting in Eugene, OR Specific Date Unknown - Jan 1977
- Photo of SP 3100 Resting in Eugene
Analog Image, Kodachrome Slide 5.674, Scan 2008011501ph.2
- Photo of SP 3100 Resting in Eugene
This material was posted to Altamont Press in April 2014 here and here.
SP 3101 ALCo RSD15 DL600B, SP Class AS624-1
According to good sources, including Strapac's fantastic SP Compendium series, SP 3101 was built in September 1959, ALCo construction number 83484, as SP 4817 class DF-502. Leased in March 1960 to T&NO as 251. Became SP 5161 in the 1965 renumbering as class AF624-1. In April 1972 reclassified to switcher Class AS624-1 and renumbered SP 3101. Retired and sold May 1978.
- SP 3101 in 1973
- Southern Pacific DL-600B 3101 on the hump at Eugene, OR on an unknown date in July 1973.
- Photo of SP 3101 on the hump at Eugene
Analog Image, Kodachrome Slide 5.679, Scan 2008011501ph.1
- Photo of SP 3101 on the hump at Eugene
- SP 3101 in 1974
- Southern Pacific Alco DL600B/RSD15 3101 is in the Eugene, Oregon power pool on Jun 21, 1974.
- Photo of SP 3101 in the power pool.
Analog Image, Kodachrome 25 Slide 5.677, Scan 2010111301.13 & 16
- Photo of SP 3101 in the power pool.
This material was posted to Altamont Press in April 2014 here.
SP 3102 Baldwin 4-6-2 Class P-11
Reportedly SP 3102, Class P-11, was built by Baldwin in 1907, builders number 32448 as EP&SW 143. It was leased to the NWP from 1938 to 1941 and vacated and scrapped in 1948.
- SP P-11 3102 in San Francisco
- Southern Pacific (SP) 3102 class P11 4-6-2 is in San Francisco, CA on Saturday, December 22, 1934. Marked photo by "G.L.D." it is likely this picture is by Guy L. Dunscomb, from the Jack Darrough Collection. Used with permission.
- Scan of print
- Scan of print
SP 3102 ALCo RSD15 DL600B, SP Class AS624-1
According to good sources, including Strapac's fantastic SP Compendium series, SP 3102 was built in September 1959, ALCo construction number 83485, as SP 4818 class DF-502. Leased in March 1960 to T&NO as 251. Became SP 5162 in the 1965 renumbering as class AF624-1. In April 1972 reclassified to switcher Class AS624-1 and renumbered SP 3102. Retired and sold May 1978.
- SP 3102 in 1977
- SP Gator 3102 near the SP hump yard in Eugene, Oregon, USA Specific Date Unknown - Jan 1977
- Photo of SP 3102
Analog Image, Kodachrome Slide 5.682, Scan 2008011301.11
- Photo of SP 3102
This material was posted to Altamont Press in April 2014 here.
Special Notes
NOTE: If anything is my "life's work" it's my train photos. — If you scan an analog photo of mine, or if you share a digital photo I took that does not have my photo credit, add something like "Photo by Steve Sloan" directly onto the image. It's not enough to say "Photo by Steve Sloan" in the text caption. People download photos off the Internet/Social Media platform and whatever is in the text does not stick to the photo. Then, they get reshared and that data is lost. I deserve credit for my work.
You may not use my photos for profit and/or as part of, or to sell, a product or service without my consent.
Special Thanks!
To all the great folks who helped me out with information for these Web pages!
Copyright Notice
It is appreciated if you do not repost or forward any photos I am posting to any other list, or online forum, or social network (like Facebook, Google+ or Flickr) without permission of the contributor or the photographer.
All photos are copyright the photographer unless otherwise stated. I will always try as hard as I can to get the permission of the photographer when (and if) I post work by others. When I do I will try to honor their photographic style. Please do not produce or distribute altered versions of this work.

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