Southern Pacific
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I hope you enjoy these photos as much as I enjoyed taking them. The Southern Pacific railroad will always be my favorite railroad!
SP and its subsidiaries
Steve Sloan's Trains : UP : Southern Pacific : Locomotives 3200-3209
Click on the following links to see pictures related to the SP:
SP 3200 EMD SDP45, SP Class EP636-1
SP 3200 is an EMD SDP-45, SP Class EP636-1. Reportedly: SP 3200 was built in 1967 by EMD as a model SDP-45, builders number 32849, SP 3200, SP Class EP636-1. These were later reclassified to freight service and reclassified in 1985 to SP Class EF636-13.
The disposition of this locomotive is, fire damaged in 1989, retired 1990 and sold. Scrapped in 1992.
- SP 3200 in Oakland
- The old Southern Pacific Sanding Towers at the West Oakland, CA Diesel Shop Racks are behind SP SDP45 3200 and FP7 6450 on February 27, 1973. These towers were demolished in February 2010.
- Photo of SP 3200 in Oakland
Analog Image, Kodachrome Slide 2.5-782, Scan 2010121802ph.1
- Photo of SP 3200 in Oakland
- SP 3200 in San Francisco
- Southern Pacific SDP45 3200 leads train 132 south over Quint St., in San Francisco, CA on June 12, 1974.
- Photo of SP 3200 in San Francisco
Analog Image, Kodachrome Slide 2.5-783, Scan 2010121802ph.2
- Photo of SP 3200 in San Francisco
SP 3201 EMD SDP45, SP Class EP636-1
SP 3201 is an EMD SDP-45, SP Class EP636-1. Reportedly: SP 3201 was built in 1967 by EMD as a model SDP-45, builders number 32850. These were later reclassified to freight service and reclassified in 1985 to SP Class EF636-13.
This locomotive was retired in 1990, and sold. It was scrapped in 1996.
- SP 3201 in Newark
- Southern Pacific SDP45 3201 on the point of Amtrak number 12 in Newark, CA on Saturday, May 12, 1973.
I posted this photo to Facebook (FB) and Train Orders with the following caption, "Mystery Photo! I have no idea where I shot this photo or what train it is. Can you help? Southern Pacific SDP45 3201 on the point of an unknown passenger train on May 12, 1973."
Ron Lehmer said, "it looks like a Coast Starlight. You've got two dead heading cars ahead of the baggage car." Ryan M. Martin said, "the used tie "fence line" on the left make me agree with Newark wye but at Carter (not Cherry) with the Dumbarton line veering off to the left. So that switch on the right would be the freight dock area located between Carter street and Thornton? I replied to Ryan, "thanks. I think that's it. At my age, my memories sometimes become like feelings, vague notions really. This feels right to me!. Ron Lehmer added, "Yeah, I was starting to think Carter as well, just couldn't get back to FB."
OPRRMS said on Altamont Press:Photo #1 is of Train 12 on the main track at the north end (timetable west) of the Newark yard. The Santa Clara Siding is visible on the other side of the mainline. The track taking off to the right is the "Rickwell" (sp?) which was one of two leads going from the mainline into that end of the yard. The south leg of the wye heading to Centerville and Niles is barely visible in the distance beyond that. The switches and signals for all of these tracks were controlled by the operator at Newark Tower, which was actually just a small single-story building located west of the east wye switch. The Eucalyptus trees in the far distance on the other side of the train marked the west end of the Santa Clara Sliding "Extension" and was where units for the various Newark locals were often parked. The Dumbarton wye and the Newark depot (the area is now called Carter by UP) are out of sight and around a curve beyond that. Directly behind where you are standing is a grade crossing (might be Central Avenue, but it's been at least 25 years since I've been there, so my memory is fuzzy - look it up on a map if you wish), and behind the crossing is the Newark yard.
- Unknown Camera, Possibly a remounted 120 slide:
Click to view scan: 2010.
- Unknown Camera, Possibly a remounted 120 slide:
SP 3202 EMD SDP45, SP Class EP636-1
SP 3202 is an EMD SDP-45, SP Class EP636-1. Reportedly: SP 3202 was built in 1967 by EMD as a model SDP-45, builders number 32851, SP 3202, SP Class EP636-1. These were later reclassified to freight service and reclassified in 1985 to SP Class EF636-13.
This locomotive was retired in 1989, sold, stripped for parts and scrapped.
- Weekend Warriors Westbound
- On Sunday August 15, 1976 SP SDP45s 3202 and 3206 head west toward Benicia Bridge alongside Interstate 680, which at this date, along this stretch, had just been redesignated from being California State Route 21. According to WAF this is the RVSFY/RVWJY.
- Camera Unknown, Likely Nikkormat FTN, Slide 2.5-794:
Click to view images: 2010.
- Camera Unknown, Likely Nikkormat FTN, Slide 2.5-794:
SP 3203 EMD SDP45, SP Class EP636-1
SP 3203 is an EMD SDP-45, SP Class EP636-1. Reportedly: SP 3203 was built in 1967 by EMD as a model SDP-45, builders number 32852, SP 3203, SP Class EP636-1. These were later reassigned to freight service full-time and reclassified in June 1985 to SP Class EF636-13.
This locomotive was retired in 1990, sold in 1992 and scrapped.
- SP 3203 in San Francisco
- Southern Pacific SDP45 3203 leads an all sub train 128 south over Quint St., in San Francisco, CA on July 15, 1974.
- Photo of SP 3203 in San Francisco
Analog Image, Kodachrome Slide 2.5-799, Scan 2010.
- Photo of SP 3203 in San Francisco
- SP 3203 in Roseville
- Southern Pacific (SP) SD45T-2 9232 with three weekend warriors: SDP45s 3204, 3205 and 3203 in Roseville, CA near Center Street in Roseville, CA on Sunday, September 29, 1974
- Unknown 35mm Film Camera, Panatomic-X Negs,
Scans: 2009112802ph.16, and 2009112802ph.17
- Unknown 35mm Film Camera, Panatomic-X Negs,
SP 3204 EMD SDP45, SP Class EP636-1
SP 3204 is an EMD SDP-45, SP Class EP636-1. Reportedly: SP 3204 was built in 1967 by EMD as a model SDP-45, builders number 32853, SP 3204, SP Class EP636-1. These were later reassigned to freight service and reclassified in 1985 to SP Class EF636-13.
This locomotive was retired in 1990, sold in 1991 and scrapped.
- SP 3204 at Bahia
- Southern Pacific 3204 on the point of a westbound at Bahia (near Benicia CA) on an unknown date in 1975. WAF said, "The photo was typical power on Oakland bound trains in the 70s on Sunday afternoons. On Sundays SDP45s would be returning from Donner helper service and road service to Sparks. They would be back to San Jose that evening or early Monday morning. SDP45s used on UPSFF/UPSFT/OASFY trains to the City would work back to SJ on the late Sunday evening commutes."
- Photo of SP 3204 at Bahia
Scan 2010.
- Photo of SP 3204 at Bahia
- SP 3204 at Tracy
- On Sunday morning, November 10, 1974 Southern Pacific SDP45s 3204, 3206 and 3208 lead the
RVOAZ in Tracy Yard. The steel block is a setout for Pittsburg. (Thanks WAF on Train Orders for this information.)
- Photo of SP 3204 at Tracy
Analog Image, Kodachrome Slide 5.803, Scan 2010121802.5 - Photo of SP 3204 roster shot
Kodachrome Slide 5.804, Scan 2010121802.6 - Unknown 35mm film camera, Kodacolor II Film, Neg
Scans: 2021011301ph.8, 2021011301ph.5, 2021011301ph.7, 2021011301ph.9
- Photo of SP 3204 at Tracy
- SP 3204 in San Jose
- During the Southern Pacific's (SP) transition from F-M Train Masters to EMD SDP45s SP SDP45 3204 is sitting in San Jose, CA next to still in service F-M locomotives on Sunday, October 13, 1974.
- Unknown 35mm film camera, Kodacolor II Film, Neg
Scan 2021011101ph.8
- Unknown 35mm film camera, Kodacolor II Film, Neg
SP 3205 EMD SDP-45, SP Class EP636-1
SP 3205 is an EMD SDP-45, SP Class EP636-1. Reportedly: SP 3205 was built in 1967 by EMD as a model SDP-45, builders number 32854, SP 3205, SP Class EP636-1. These were later reassigned to freight service and reclassified in 1985 to SP Class EF636-13.
This locomotive was retired in 1986, sold in 1988 and scrapped.
- SP 3205 in San Francisco
- The date was not recorded, probably 1974, on this photo of Southern Pacific SDP45 3205 pulling train 130 past Fourth Street Tower in San Francisco, CA.
- Photo of SP 3205 in San Francisco
Analog Image, Kodachrome Slide 2.5-806, Scan 2010.
- Photo of SP 3205 in San Francisco
- SP 3205 model in Richmond
- Elizabeth Allen's superb model of Southern Pacific SDP45 3205 was on display at the Saturday, June 21, 2014, Bay Area Prototype Modelers (BAPM) meeting.
- Photo of SP 3205 model in Richmond
Nikon D600, Nikon 55mm f2.8 Micro-Nikkor (MF), Digital Image:
- Photo of SP 3205 model in Richmond
SP 3206 EMD SDP45, SP Class EP636-1
SP 3206 was built in 1967 by EMD as a model SDP45, builders number 32855, SP 3206, SP Class EP636-1. These were later reassigned to freight service and reclassified in 1985 to SP Class EF636-13.
This locomotive was retired and sold in 1989, scrapped in 1996.
- SP 3206 in West Oakland
- Southern Pacific SDP45 3206 is at West Oakland, CA on the point of the the Coast Starlight on Tuesday December 18, 1973.
- Photo of SP 3206 in West Oakland
Analog Image, Kodachrome Slide 5.810, Scan 2010121802.8, 2010.
- Photo of SP 3206 in West Oakland
- SP 3206 in Roseville, CA
- Southern Pacific SDP45 3206 pulls west over the Subway Bridge in Roseville, CA on February 23, 1980.
- Photo of SP 3206 in Roseville
Analog Image, Kodachrome Slide 5.812, Scan 2010123101.3
- Photo of SP 3206 in Roseville
- SP 3206 in Tracy
- On Sunday morning, November 10, 1974 Southern Pacific SDP45s 3204, 3206 and 3208 lead the
RVOAZ in Tracy Yard. The steel block is a setout for Pittsburg. (Thanks WAF on Train Orders for this information.)
- Unknown 35mm film camera, Kodacolor II Film, Neg
Scans: 2021011301ph.8, 2021011301ph.5, 2021011301ph.7, 2021011301ph.9
- Unknown 35mm film camera, Kodacolor II Film, Neg
SP 3207 EMD SDP45, SP Class EP636-1
SP 3207 is an EMD SDP45, SP Class EP636-1. Reportedly: SP 3207 was built in 1967 by EMD as a model SDP45, builders number 32856, SP 3207, SP Class EP636-1. These were later reclassified to freight service and reclassified in July 1985 to SP Class EF636-13.
This locomotive was retired in Jan. 1989 and sold in April 1989 and scrapped in Dec. 1996.
- SP 3207 in San Francisco
- Southern Pacific SDP45 3207 leads train 132 over Quint St., in San Francisco, CA on Monday, July 15, 1974.
- Photo of SP 3207 in San Francisco
Analog Image, Kodachrome Slide 2.5-815, Scan 2011.
- Photo of SP 3207 in San Francisco
SP 3208 EMD SDP45, SP Class EP636-1
SP 3208 is an EMD SDP45, SP Class EP636-1. Reportedly: SP 3208 was built in 1967 by EMD as a model SDP-45, builders number 32857, SP 3208, SP Class EP636-1. These were later reclassified to freight service and reclassified in 1985 to SP Class EF636-13.
This locomotive was retired in 1986, scrapped in 1988.
- SP 3208 in Tracy
- On Sunday morning, November 10, 1974 Southern Pacific SDP45s 3204, 3206 and 3208 lead the
RVOAZ in Tracy Yard. The steel block is a setout for Pittsburg. (Thanks WAF on Train Orders for this information.)
- Unknown 35mm film camera, Kodacolor II Film, Neg
Scans: 2021011301ph.8, 2021011301ph.5, 2021011301ph.7, 2021011301ph.9
- Unknown 35mm film camera, Kodacolor II Film, Neg
- SP 3208 in Orland
- Southern Pacific SDP45 3208 is running through Orland, CA on Tuesday, April 28, 1981. The crowd is gathered for the GS4 powered train behind the diesel. According to WAF on Train Orders, "3208 was the helper on 4449 and had to wye at Tehama since it was running backwards on the Special."
- Photo of SP 3208 in Orland
Analog Image, Kodachrome Slide 2.5-818, Scan 2010.
- Photo of SP 3208 in Orland
SP 3209 EMD SDP45, SP Class EP636-1
According to good sources, including Strapac's fantastic SP Compendium series, SP 3209 was built in June 1967 by EMD as a model SDP-45, builders number 32858, SP 3209, SP Class EP636-1. These were later reclassified to freight service and reclassified in July 1985 to SP Class EF636-13.
This locomotive was retired in January 1989, sold January 1990 and scrapped in March 1990.
- SP 3209 in San Francisco
- Southern Pacific SDP45 3209 leads an all gallery car train 130 south over Quint St., in San Francisco, CA on Monday, July 15, 1974.
- Photo of SP 3209 in San Francisco
Analog Image, Kodachrome Slide 2.5-823, Scan 2010.
- Photo of SP 3209 in San Francisco
Related Links
NOTE: If anything is my "life's work" it's my train photos. — If you scan an analog photo of mine, or if you share a digital photo I took that does not have my photo credit, add something like "Photo by Steve Sloan" directly onto the image. It's not enough to say "Photo by Steve Sloan" in the text caption. People download photos off the Internet/Social Media platform and whatever is in the text does not stick to the photo. Then, they get reshared and that data is lost. I deserve credit for my work.
You may not use my photos for profit and/or as part of, or to sell, a product or service without my consent.
Special Thanks!
To all the great folks who helped me out with information for these Web pages!
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It is appreciated if you do not repost or forward any photos I am posting to any other list, or online forum, or social network (like Facebook, Google+ or Flickr) without permission of the contributor or the photographer.
All photos are copyright the photographer unless otherwise stated. I will always try as hard as I can to get the permission of the photographer when (and if) I post work by others. When I do I will try to honor their photographic style. Please do not produce or distribute altered versions of this work.

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